The Online Record Book


The Online Record Book (ORB) login and information

The Online Record Book (ORB) is a secure web platform that allows Participants to register for the DofE, record their activities and submit their completed DofE. It also allows Award Leaders to monitor Participants’ progress and assess each Participant’s DofE.

Well done for choosing to do the DofE. You can register all your details through the DofE Online Record Book (ORB), and once your registration is approved by your Award Leader, you will be able to track your Award activities and progress.

To register, you will need to have a few key personal details on hand like your email, phone number, and home address as well as your parent or guardian’s details if you’re under 18. Plus, we’ll need to know the school or organisation you’re doing the Award with.

I want to register to do the Duke of EdINBURGH'S Award